
NICKY HAYS KOL BAILEY Cameron Karting Rok Shifter Saturday Report The Rok Shifter class has some big guns in the line-up, but the day was swept by multi-time Red Bull Global Rallycross Lites winner Alex Keyes (Birel ART). Keyes became the third different winner of the season, as Nicky Hays (Ricciardo) and Kol Bailey (Praga) scored in Phoenix. Clin- ton Schoombee (Aluminos) was second to Keyes in the Prefinal was a challenger in the chase group in the Final, fighting for the final podium positions with Bailey and Hays. With Keyes out running to a 3.387-sec- ond cushion at the checkered, and Bailey firmly into second, Hays and Schoombee were embroiled in a spirited battle for the final position on the podium. Nicky held Clinton off on the final lap, but it ended up coming short by a scant 0.071 seconds at the line. Vemme Kart’s Italian driver Lorenzo Lapina capped off the top-five.