
APM Racing Rok Shifter Masters Sunday CRG pilot Rod Clinard lit things up in APM Racing Shifter Masters Rok in Sunday, qualifying on the pole ahead of Patrick O’Neill (CRG) and Kalvin Chen (COMPKART), but an errant water hose took the Texan out of the Prefinal on lap 10. O’Neill took the lead after Clinard’s departure and held the top spot until Ben Schermerhorn (BirelART) made his move and advanced to P1 in the late going to win. Having qualified fourth in the morning, Schermerhorn was dialing things in and hit it perfect for the 22-lap final, leading through to the checkered flag to earn his first COTA victory. O’Neill finished second while Clinard drove up from the tail of the field to finish third, earning the class championship and a trip to the Rok Cup International Final in Italy. ROD CLINARD PATRICK O’NEILL