
Odenthal Racing Products Masters Rok Sunday Report Thing were shaken up in the opening lap of the Master ROK main event. Satur- day victor and Prefinal winner Billy Cleavelin (RPG / Kosmic) made a slight mis- take on the opening circuit, driving off course at turn four, falling to the tail of the field. Tim Meyer (HRT / Kosmic) came out with the lead but only for a couple laps until defending champion Derek Wang (BBR / FA Kart) took over the spot. Wang was able to pull away as the drivers behind him battled hard for the second spot, allowing him to establish a sizable lead quickly. Eventually, top qualifier Nick de Graaf (VemmeKart) assumed the position and tried to reel in Wang. The gap closed as the laps went on, but not enough time allowed de Graaf to challenge as Wang crossed the line as the winner. All the fighting early allowed Cleavelin to close back up quickly and knife through the field, coming across the checkered flag in third. Erik Jackson (JHM / Tony Kart) ended up fourth with Adam Dowler (Tony Kart) in fifth. Dowler was removed from the results for improper tires, moving Meyer to the position. BILLY CLEAVELIN NICK DE GRAAF